Accad Impact Fellowship Program
Mystical Rose Guest House (opposite the Boadi Chief's Palace), Kumasi KumasiAccad Impact Fellowship Program (A 2 Days Training Workshop on Web Development Using Wordpress)
off Kotoko Training Grounds, Adako Jachie
Accad Impact Fellowship Program (A 2 Days Training Workshop on Web Development Using Wordpress)
ACCAD FOUNDATION Presents ACCAD CONNECT TOPIC: THE ULTIMATE PLAN (Before the Fall) Host: Gabriel Yamoah-Boansi Date: October 5, 2024 Time: 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Venue: Mystical Rose Guest House (opposite the Boadi Chief's Palace), Kumasi Areas to Cover During the Conference: ● Why Did God Create and Form Man? ●What Does it Mean to...
Your presence and financial support at this virtaul book launch will greatly contribute to the Accad Foundation's ongoing programs and projects. We sincrely appreciate your participation and generosity. God bless you.
The Accad Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to human development, with the goal of supporting individuals in their spiritual, mental, and socioeconomic growth.